Support Specifikation af kopi af e-faktura til bibliotekssystem OIOUBL

Specification of OIOXML incoice copy OIOUBL

Last update: 12 September 2012

Vendors of integrated library systems have stated that named systems support this specification from a given version.

Vendor: DBC as
System: Integra
Version: 8.6.0
Remark: Supporting exchange via e-mail.
Date: 15. april 2011
Contact: Jens Leth


Vendors of library materials have stated that named systems support this specification from a given version.


Vendor: Biblioteksmedier as
System: Alle systemer
Version: Alle versioner
Remark: Biblioteksmedier er klar og kan sende i OIOUBL. Vi bruger samlefaktura og har derfor fulgt IT&T’s retningslinjer vedr. samlefaktura.
Date: 6. maj 2011


Template for vendors
Vendor: Example AS
System: Example
Version: Version-no or Not decided yet
Remark: Any information which can help people
Date: date or Not decided yet
Contact: name and email

Leif Andresen - email