DAN-1 Attribute
set DAN-1
Attribute set is an attribute set of special Danish attributes used in Danish
Libraries. Object Identifier (OID):
1.2.840.10003.3.15 |
Identifier: http://biblstandard.dk/dan-1.htm Last update: 11 September 2012 |
Dan-1 Use Attributes
Dan-1 Use Attribute Value |
Dan-1 Use Attribute Name |
1 |
Classification-DK5-alfa-subdivision |
2 |
Subject-controlled |
3 |
Subject-DBC |
4 |
Subject-DBC-non-fiction |
5 |
Subject-DBC-fiction |
6 |
Subject-DBC-music |
7 |
Form-as-subject |
8 |
Level-as-subject |
9 |
Shelf-mark |
10 |
Classification-DK5-number |
11 |
Classification-as-shelf-mark |
12 |
Obsolete-shelf-mark |
13 |
Subject-FUI |
14 |
Catalogue-code |
15 |
LIX-number |
16 |
Music-notation |
17 |
Item-number |
18 |
Local-item-number |
19 |
Previous-FAUST-code |
20 |
Title-host-publication |
21 |
Special-shelf-mark-comic-etc |
22 |
Subject-non-fiction-controlled |
23 |
Subject-fiction-controlled |
24 |
Music shelf-mark |
25 |
Braille-books-shorten |
26 |
Author-in-description |
27 |
Technical-specification |
28 |
Heading-normative (name,title, subject) |
29 |
Subject-chronological-DBC |
30 |
Subject-geographic-DBC |
31 |
Authorization-code |
32 |
Transliteration-code |
33 |
Language-person-corporation |
34 |
DBC-subject-general |
35 |
Code-cataloguing-rules |
36 |
Code-recom-restriction |
37 |
Code-cataloging-library |
38 |
Primary-material-type |
39 |
Main-title |
40 |
Identification-package |
41 |
Codes-consultants-marks |
42 |
Codes-consultants-groups |
43 |
Catalogue-code-correction |
44 |
Catalogue-code-express |
45 |
ID-record-higher-level |
46 |
Note-selection-materials |
47 |
Codes-order-list |
48 |
Serial-info-excl-number |
49 |
RegionCounMunc-number |
50 |
Publ-status |
51 |
Author-Relator-codes |
52 |
LET-number |
53 |
Level-code-non-fiction |
54 |
Availability |
55 |
Link-AuthorityBase |
Dan-1 Use Attributes - Danish Names
Dan-1 Use Attribute Value |
Søge-kode |
Dan-1 Use - Dansk navn |
1 |
au |
Alfabetisk underdeling DK-5 |
2 |
ke |
Kontrollerede emneord |
3 |
db |
DBC emneord |
4 |
df |
DBC-faglitterære emneord |
5 |
ds |
DBC-skønlitterære emneord |
6 |
me |
DBC-Musikemneord |
7 |
fm |
Form betegnelse som emneord
8 |
nb |
Niveau-emneord |
9 |
po |
Opstillingselement |
10 |
dk |
DK5 |
11 |
ok |
Klassifikation som
opstilling |
12 |
gd |
Forældet dk-klassemærke |
13 |
fg |
FUI-Koder |
14 |
kk |
Katalogkode |
15 |
ix |
16 |
nm |
Musikalsk notation |
17 |
nr |
Numre |
18 |
en |
Numre på ens materiale |
19 |
tf |
Tidligere og lokale faustnumre |
20 |
lvx |
(uden nummer) |
21 |
bs |
Særopstilling tegneserier-børnebilledbøger-børnedramatik |
22 |
ef |
Kontrollerede faglitterære
emneord, ikke systemspecifikke |
23 |
es |
Kontrollerede skønlitterære
emneord |
24 |
mo |
Musikopstilling |
25 |
fv |
Forkortet version af punktbøger |
26 |
fb |
Forfatter i beskrivelse |
27 |
ts |
Tekniske oplysninger |
28 |
kv |
Vedtagne former (navne,
titler, emner) |
29 |
ta |
Tidsangivelse som emneord |
30 |
sn |
Stednavn som emneord |
31 |
ak |
Autoriseringskode |
32 |
tr |
Kode for
translitterations-/transskriptionssystem |
33 |
fs |
Person eller
korporationssprog |
34 |
da |
DBC almene emneord |
35 |
rk |
Kode for anvendte
katalogiseringsregler |
36 |
ar |
Anbefalinger og
restriktioner i kodeform |
37 |
ej |
Ejerkode |
38 |
hm |
Primær materialebetegnelse |
39 |
ht |
Hovedtitel |
40 |
ip |
Pakkeidentifikation |
41 |
ka |
Konsulentafmærkningskoder |
42 |
kg |
Konsulentgrupperingskoder |
43 |
kr |
Katalogkode - rettelse |
44 |
kx |
Katalogkode - ekspres |
45 |
ld |
ID-nummer på post på højere niveau |
46 |
ns |
Note til materialevalg |
47 |
sf |
Seddelfortegnelseskoder |
48 |
so |
Serieoplysninger uden numre |
49 |
kn |
Regions-Amt-Kommune-nummer |
50 |
uu |
Udgivelsesstatus |
51 |
lff |
Forfatter med
funktionsangivelser |
52 |
ll |
LET-tal |
53 |
nv |
Niveaukode for
faglitteratur |
54 |
tg |
Tilgængelighed |
55 |
li |
Link til autoritetsbase |
Attribute set is defined according to:
ANSI/NISO:2003 Z39.50 Information Retrieval : Application Service
Definition & Protocol Specification:
and the equivalent ISO
ISO 23950:1998 Information and documentation -- Information
retrieval (Z39.50) -- Application service definition and protocol specification
Agency for Z39.50 is Library of Congress: http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/
is registered with OID 1.2.840.10003.3.15 in Registry of Z39.50 Object Identifiers:
search codes in Danish libraries
Semantic definitions of the
DAN-1 Use attributes references to corresponding danMARC2 field-codes are
available (in Danish) at the Danish Agency for Libraries and Media Web:
Updated with code
28-34 -16 January 2006.
Updated with code 35-50 - 13
July 2007.
Moved from www.bs.dk to http://biblstandard.dk/danzig/dan-1.htm
- 23 July 2008.
Updated with code
51. Link to new version of Praksisregler for søgeveje - 14 August 2009
Updated with code
52 and 53, and change of name code 21, and link to updates of Praksisregler for søgeveje and
links to hjælpepostformatet - 22 February
Updated with code
54 - 25 July 2011.
Correction of code (Praksisregler for søgeveje)
from for 52 - 26 October 2011
Updated with code
55 - 11 September 2012.
Chief Adviser
Danish Agency for Culture
Email: LEA@kulturstyrelsen.dk
H.C. Andersens Boulevard 2
Phone direct: +45 3373 3354
Phone: +45 3373 3373
+45 3373 3372