DAN-2 SRU Context
Set |
Identifier: http://biblstandard.dk/danzig/dan-2.htm
Last update: 18 March 2013 |
Short name:
Identifier: http://biblstandard.dk/danzig/dan-2.htm
List of indexes
Indexes |
to Z39.50 |
Set |
Use Value |
titleSeries |
BIB-1 |
5 |
identifierISBN |
BIB-1 |
7 |
controlNumbLC |
BIB-1 |
9 |
classDewey |
BIB-1 |
13 |
classUDC |
BIB-1 |
14 |
classLC |
BIB-1 |
16 |
classNLM |
BIB-1 |
17 |
classNAL |
BIB-1 |
18 |
classLocal |
BIB-1 |
20 |
subjectMESH |
BIB-1 |
25 |
subjectHeadingsLC |
BIB-1 |
27 |
titleParallel |
BIB-1 |
35 |
titleFormer |
BIB-1 |
42 |
codeGeoArea |
BIB-1 |
55 |
codeInstitution |
BIB-1 |
56 |
nameGeoPlacePubl |
BIB-1 |
59 |
identifierCODEN |
BIB-1 |
60 |
identifierStandard |
BIB-1 |
1007 |
subjectNamePer |
BIB-1 |
1009 |
dateTimeAdded |
BIB-1 |
1011 |
dateTimeLastMod |
BIB-1 |
1012 |
codeMapScale |
BIB-1 |
1024 |
titleRelatedPeri |
BIB-1 |
1026 |
identifierDocument |
BIB-1 |
1032 |
titleHostItem |
BIB-1 |
1033 |
class |
BIB-1 |
1040 |
subjectNameCorp |
BIB-1 |
1074 |
subjectChrono |
BIB-1 |
1077 |
subjectTitle |
BIB-1 |
1078 |
subjectUncont |
BIB-1 |
1080 |
subjectAGROVOC |
BIB-1 |
1085 |
subjectCOMPASS |
BIB-1 |
1086 |
subjectEPT |
BIB-1 |
1087 |
subjectNAL |
BIB-1 |
1088 |
classBCM |
BIB-1 |
1089 |
classDB |
BIB-1 |
1090 |
identifierISRC |
BIB-1 |
1091 |
identifierISMN |
BIB-1 |
1092 |
identifierISRN |
BIB-1 |
1093 |
codeLanguageOri |
BIB-1 |
1095 |
titleLater |
BIB-1 |
1096 |
accessConstraints |
BIB-1 |
1157 |
oclcNumb |
BIB-1 |
1211 |
ean |
BIB-1 |
1214 |
natPersonCorp |
BIB-1 |
1217 |
classCodeDK5 |
DAN-1 |
1 |
SubjectControlled |
DAN-1 |
2 |
DBCsubject |
DAN-1 |
3 |
DBCnonFictionSubject |
DAN-1 |
4 |
DBCfictionSubject |
DAN-1 |
5 |
DBCmusicSubject |
DAN-1 |
6 |
formatAsSubject |
DAN-1 |
7 |
subjectLevel |
DAN-1 |
8 |
shelfMark |
DAN-1 |
9 |
classDK5 |
DAN-1 |
10 |
classAsShelfMark |
DAN-1 |
11 |
obsoleteShelfMark |
DAN-1 |
12 |
subjectFUI |
DAN-1 |
13 |
catalogueCode |
DAN-1 |
14 |
LIXcode |
DAN-1 |
15 |
musicNotation |
DAN-1 |
16 |
itemNumber |
DAN-1 |
17 |
localItemNumber |
DAN-1 |
18 |
previousFAUSTcode |
DAN-1 |
19 |
titleHostPublication |
DAN-1 |
20 |
childSchoolShMark |
DAN-1 |
21 |
subjectContNonFiction |
DAN-1 |
22 |
SubjectContFiction |
DAN-1 |
23 |
musicShelfMark |
DAN-1 |
24 |
embPrintAbbVer |
DAN-1 |
25 |
authorNameInDesc |
DAN-1 |
26 |
technicalSpecification |
DAN-1 |
27 |
heading-normative |
DAN-1 |
28 |
subjectChronoDBC |
DAN-1 |
29 |
subjectGeoDBC |
DAN-1 |
30 |
authorizationCode |
DAN-1 |
31 |
transliterationCode |
DAN-1 |
32 |
langPersonCorp |
DAN-1 |
33 |
subjectGeneralDBC |
DAN-1 |
34 |
codeCatRules |
DAN-1 |
35 |
codeRecomRest |
DAN-1 |
36 |
codeCatLib |
DAN-1 |
37 |
primaryMatType |
DAN-1 |
38 |
mainTitle |
DAN-1 |
39 |
idPackage |
DAN-1 |
40 |
codesConsMark |
DAN-1 |
41 |
codesConsGrp |
DAN-1 |
42 |
catCodeCorr |
DAN-1 |
43 |
catCodeExpr |
DAN-1 |
44 |
idHigherLevel |
DAN-1 |
45 |
noteSelecMat |
DAN-1 |
46 |
codesOrderList |
DAN-1 |
47 |
serialInfoExNumb |
DAN-1 |
48 |
regCoMunNumb |
DAN-1 |
49 |
publStatus |
DAN-1 |
50 |
authorRelatorCodes |
DAN-1 |
51 |
letNumber |
DAN-1 |
52 |
levelCodeNonFiction |
DAN-1 |
53 |
avaiability |
DAN-1 |
54 |
linkAuthBase |
DAN-1 |
55 |
See Mapping to danZIG Profile from Danish Praxis rules for Search
for reference to use attributes in BIB-1 and
DAN-1 referred in the danZIG profile.
Danish Praxis rules for
Search Codes
(only in Danish)
danZIG Profile Specification
danZIG Profile Specification
2007. Updates
DAN-1 Attribute set
Agency for Culture
Email: lea@kulturstyrelsen.dk
H.C. Andersens Boulevard 2
Phone direct: +45 3373 3354
Phone: +45 3373 3373
+45 3373 3372