Update of NCIP Guidelines


Identifier:  http://biblstandard.dk/ncip/ncip_update.htm

Last update: 26 May 2016



Updates of NCIP Implementation Guidelines


NCIP Implementation Guidelines: Collaboration between Danish libraries and other agencies (danZIG-specification 03)

     URL: http://biblstandard.dk/ncip/doc/danZIG_03_NCIP_Implementation_Guidelines._Collaboration_between_Danish_libraries_and_other_agencies.pdf/   


Update of 27 July 2011:



In Annex 1: Update of table:




1  [from item, see below]

2.  245*a 

If 004 *a != i 

If 004 *a == i 



Below, after the notes is added:


From item:

If the holdings information for the specific item contains additional identification such as year, issue etc., this information is stored in TitleOfComponent.

The supplier of status information must give the best possible information to ensure that the Title and TitleOfComponent together gives the requesting service the best chance to give the user the most relevant information about her loans etc. on the screen.


Recommended formatting:

- bracket, part-of-year, year, bracket, space, prefix“Vol.”,  space, volume, space, prefix”No.”, space, Issue/Number


Example: (May 2011) Vol. 21 No. 5





NCIP Implementation Guidelines: Collaboration between bibliotek.dk and local library systems (danZIG-specification 04)

    URL: http://biblstandard.dk/ncip/doc/danZIG_04_NCIP_Implementation_Guidelines_Collaboration_between_bibliotek.dk_and_local_library_systems.pdf  

Not expected to be updated. danZIG-specification 06 is an update of this specification.



NCIP Implementation Guidelines: Combined public-school libraries (danZIG-specification 05)

    URL: http://biblstandard.dk/ncip/doc/danZIG_05_NCIP_Implementation_Guidelines_Combined_.pdf  

Not expected to be updated. danZIG-specification 07 is an update of this specification.



NCIP Implementation Guidelines: Collaboration between General User Interfaces being Brokers and Local Library Systems (danZIG-specification 06)

URL: http://biblstandard.dk/ncip/doc/danZIG_06_NCIP_Implementation_Guidelines_Collabora.pdf


Update of 27 July 2011:


5.3 Request parameters

Two new black bullet:

  • Update Request Item Service
    • For Mobile libraries a pickup place is defined by using AgencySubdivision (ISIL, underscore, name for station) as scheme for UniqueAgencyId in ToAgencyId.
  • Request Item Service
    • For Mobile libraries a pickup place is defined by using AgencySubdivision (ISIL, underscore, name for station) as scheme for UniqueAgencyId in ToAgencyId.


In addition to this some new examples for Update Request Item Service are added to http://biblstandard.dk/ncip/examples/


5.4 Response parameters

New black bullet:

  • Request Item Response Service
    • For Mobile libraries a pickup place is defined by using AgencySubdivision (ISIL, underscore, name for station) as scheme for UniqueAgencyId in FromAgencyId


Adding to black bullet “Lookup User Service”:

    • If the borrower record contains information of both information for ElectronicAddress and PhysicalAddress, the element UserAddressInformation is repeated, one with ElectronicAddress and one with PhysicalAddress


Adding to black bullet “Lookup Request Service”:

    • For requested items give information about ready for pickup (use "Available For Pickup" in User Transaction, Requested Item, Request Status Type)
    • For requested items give information about last pickup date if available (use Pickup Expiry Date in User Transaction, Requested Item)



Update of

NCIP. Eksempler NCIP XML dokumenter



Sample Messages

NCIP Implementation Guidelines: Collaboration between General User Interfaces being Brokers and Local Library Systems


Examples for new service:

Update Request Item Service





(of  mobile library bus stop)






(successful of  mobile library bus stop)



New examples for Lookup Request Service:

Lookup Request Service


(response with mobile library bus stop)



(successful of  mobile library bus stop)





NCIP Implementation Guidelines: Collaboration between Integrated (strongly-coupled) and Connected (weakly-coupled) Libraries (danZIG-specification 07)

    URL: http://biblstandard.dk/ncip/doc/danZIG_07_NCIP_Implementation_Guidelines_07.pdf

Not yet any update.




Åbne biblioteker – også på afstand (danZIG-specification 08)

     URL: http://biblstandard.dk/ncip/doc/danZIG_08_aabne_biblioteker__ogsaa_paa_afstand_-_danZ.pdf

In Danish. Describe the solution behind the updated specification 03 and the ultimo 2009 new specifications 06 and 07.


I 5.1 Use case E. Aflevering på andet bibliotek end eget bibliotek skal teksten under IV), første bullet:


• SIP2: Den mest udbredte kommunikation mellem selvbetjeningsautomat og bibliotekssystem. Det er ikke RFID løsning i dag, hvor ejende bibliotek aflæses og videreføres med SIP2 til bibliotekssystemet. Det undersøges om SIP2 dataelementet Institutional ID kan anvendes

Ændres til:

• SIP2: Den mest udbredte kommunikation mellem selvbetjeningsautomat og bibliotekssystem. ISIL overføres i henhold til RFID SIP2 protocol extension for ISIL -








Preben Aagaard Nielsen



Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen


Senior Adviser

Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces


Email: prb@slks.dk

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