Public documents before publication of the 28560 standards


ISO TC46/SC4/WG11 RFID in libraries




Hosted by Danish Agency for Libraries and Media

Last update: 11 December 2008




Meeting WG11 RFID in libraries 19 May 2008

Official information after meeting


As part of the yearly ISO TC46 (Technical Committee Information and Documentation) meeting week, the WG11 RFID in libraries hold a meeting to discuss comments from the national bodies and proposals from theeditors for answers to the comments. We had a very productive meeting and agreed on all outstanding questions. The editors now finalize the text and also finalize the text of the three parts of the future standard ISO 28560 RFID in libraries. A internal WG11 version of ISO/DIS 28560-1, ISO/DIS 28560-2 and ISO/DIS 28560-3 will be circulated in July 2008 in preparation for delivery to ISO Central Secretariat of DIS ballot versions before September this year.


WG11 decided to publish two standing documents:

·        Use links to external materials to establish an ongoing technical statement regarding the situation prevailing with regards to RFID in libraries.

·        A live Q&A document on RFID in libraries.

Both documents to be free available on the net.


At the SC4 Technical Interoperability meeting 22 May 2008 two proposals from WG11 was obliged with these two resolutions:

Resolution 9:  SC4 resolves that the name of the 28560 standards be RFID in libraries.

Resolution 10: SC4 resolves WG11 remain active, as technical developments in the RFID area may mean revisions may be required.



ISO 28560 Technical Comments

- Structure of the composite standard and frequency issues



Working group meeting September 2007

Official information after meeting


Working group ISO TC46/SC4/WG 11 RFID for libraries has met 11 June 2007 in Copenhagen and 21 September 2007 in London. During these meetings consensus about the data elements has been established, as well as consensus about the general scope, frequency, AFI allocation and privacy.


Encoding has been discussed very thoroughly. The conclusion is that different conditions and requirements as well as the

practices in different countries can lead to either an encoding based on fixed length fields or logical encoding based on ISO/IEC 15962. Based on this fact the WG11 will recommend that ISO 28560 be divided into three parts:

• 28560-1 Information and documentation -- RFID in libraries – General requirements and data elements

• 28560-2 Information and documentation -- RFID in libraries – Encoding based on ISO/IEC 15962

• 28560-3 Information and documentation -- RFID in libraries – Fixed length encoding


The convenor will now prepare to bring this changed model through the ISO formalities. Danish Standards who proposed the original New Work Item 28560 will send the formal proposal.


The working group has decided to continue the work and has appointed editors for the proposed three parts of ISO 28560.



Meeting national experts and liaisons 1 December 2008

Official information after meeting


Development of an international standard Data Model for use of RFID in libraries is now started


National experts from Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States together with representatives from EDItEUR and EBF/IBF (European Booksellers Federation and International Booksellers Federation) have had the initial meeting concerning development of an international standard Data Model for use of RFID in libraries. The work is initiated from ISO TC46/SC4 - Information and Documentation. Technical Interoperability – after a ballot with 100 percent approval.


At the initial meeting the experts discussed all aspects of the future standard and agreed on developing a set of statements as basis for the new standard. This set of statements will be published for public comment in beginning of 2007. All key players are invited to comment on the statements.


Beside the data model itself, the statements will also address topics such as privacy, frequency and migration from already implemented data models. At the meeting was reached consensus about high flexibility in the data model as well as the need for well defined profiles.


Actual information and key documents are published at the project website



Documents circulated before for the initial meeting 1 December 2006 in Copenhagen:


Usage of the data model as defined in DS/INF 163-1. RFID-data model        


Roadmap for Library RFID Application Standard


An Outline of the ISO RFID Data Protocol


AFI assigned to libraries


See letter from Secretary Data Constructs Steering Group:


EDItEUR has followed up with explanations and instructions:


Voting report:


N609 Result of RFID Voting


N610 Standard Australia comments


Sent to Secretariat for ISO TC46/SC4 and Secretariat for ISO TC46 6 March 2006:


New Work Item Proposal to ISO TC46/SC4: Data Model for use of RFID in libraries


ISO TC46 SC4 documents before ISO TC46/SC4 meeting January 2006:


N586: Statement on standardisation of RFID applications for libraries / Danish Standard:


N594: RFID comments from the UK (Possible data objects for a library RFID system) / British Standard Institute: