RFID in libraries ISO 28560


Identifier: http://biblstandard.dk/rfid/

Last update: 1 December 2023

Hosted by Royal Danish Library / Det Kgl. Bibliotek




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(Ref. Annex A in ISO 28560-1, 28560-2 and 28560-3)


RFID in libraries. Links to external materials



RFID in libraries. Q&A



Summary of ISO 28560. RFID in libraries



Conformance guidelines ISO 28560. RFID in libraries

Guidelines for development of ISO 28560-2 conformant devices


Guidelines for development of ISO 28560-3 conformant devices








RFID Emblem:




The ISO 28560 series were developed by the working group ISO TC46/SC4/WG11 RFID in Libraries.


ISO TC46/SC4/WG11 RFID was disbanded September 2013. After this this web page was freezed.

Status of the ISO 28560-series


The statuses of the three standards and the technical specification are at the time for freeze of the web page:

ISO 28560-1 Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 1: Data elements and general guidelines for implementation
*** The 2023 version is published June 2023.

ISO 28560-2 Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962
*** The 2023 version is published June 2023.

ISO 28560-3 Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 3: Fixed length encoding
*** The 2023 version is published April 2023. OBS - Error in ISO 28560-3:

7.4.4 Data block ID: Values 1 is not Acquisition extension block - value 1 is Library extension block.

ISO/TS 28560-4 Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 4: Encoding of data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962 in an RFID tag with partitioned memory.
*** The 2023 version is published July 2023.